The girl behind the camera!

I was born and raised in Ukraine, attended college in Ukraine Kherson State University, majoring in Psychology social service.  I have a  Bachelor in social Work.

I met my husband in Door County WI when I was there for a Work and Travel program summer of 2011 and it changed my life. We got married winter of 2012! We now have two beautiful children and stronger more meaningful bond between us trough out the years.

Photography has always been a passion for me, never had I known it would be my career. I had been telling myself that I wanted to get into photography for so long. Purchased my first camera with the money I earned during the work-travel program in 2011. I remember the first image I took and fell in love with the craft.

Over the years I have learned composition, aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, white balance… the list goes on! I learned a lot from reading different photography blogs, watching YouTube videos and practicing as much as I could. I am in the process of finishing my 2 years education with the The International Academy of Wedding Photographers. Before starting my business, I second shot for other wedding photographers for several years. Through second shooting I gained more experience got comfortable and confidant with the services I am providing to my clients today. It was really challenging getting into the competitive market of Wedding Photography.

Both my parents were hard working small business owners so its in my blood to exceed in what I do as a business women because I have big shoes to fill.  My father once told me that photography is just a hobby.  I took it as a challenge to prove him wrong, that is when I started to treat this passion of mine more as a business and less of a hobby.

My husband would tell me “don’t worry about the amount of followers or likes on social media, just be true to yourself.  As long as you have the three (D’s) Dream, Desire, Dedication, you can do anything.”   This was the key to me pulling through, just being true to myself.

Every day I step outside of my comfort zone simply by talking to new clients, as English was the 4th language I had to learn. 

My business has grown so much in the last two years.  I am proud to be where I am right now, but I know I have a long way to go to achieve my bigger goals as a business owner!

Business Lusia Studio Photography LLC

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